How Does a PT Treat Post-Concussion Syndrome?

There is no specific time frame for recovering from a concussion. A majority of patients who sustain a mild concussion usually recover within a few weeks. Unfortunately, this is not everyone’s case. Some may deal with concussion ailments for weeks, months, or years after the injury. The condition is known as Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS), and it leaves many patients feeling frustrated about what to do next. At Healing Therapeutics, we have come up with a bespoke treatment model designed to treat post-concussion syndrome. If you have been agonized by the long-term effects of PCS, our team is ready to help through post concussive syndrome treatment.

How a PT Helps with Post Concussive Syndrome Treatment

Contrary to popular belief, physical therapists don’t just offer rehab services for bodily injuries. Patients who suffer from more chronic ailments like arthritis may also be referred to a PT for their services. But how can they treat post concussion syndrome? Physical therapy can definitely benefit patients dealing with PCS, but as we will soon find out, no two concussions are the same, and a PT needs to examine a host of factors before commencing your treatment regime. 

Treatment will focus on treating the patient’s specific symptoms. It can cover a broad range of areas, including the following:

1- Vestibular Treatments

The vestibular system is a sensory communication system that is located inside the inner ear. The system is responsible for detecting information about motion and body positioning in space, and sends this information to the brain. In essence, it helps us maintain our balance. A concussion disrupts the normal functioning of the vestibular system. 

When someone has had a head injury, the pathways of communication are hindered by the inflammation and lack of blood flow in certain areas. As it relates to PCS, the brain has concluded that these pathways are no longer usable, and it succumbs to inefficient workarounds that result in those lingering symptoms. Symptoms of vestibular abnormalities can include dizziness, vertigo, nausea, headaches, and balance issues. To treat vestibular issues, your PT will engage these brain regions to encourage them to use more efficient pathways. For example, you might be asked to step on a large medicine ball, and then another component like catching and tossing balls will be added in.

2- Incorporating Exercise

For many years, patients were advised to hibernate after a concussion, until the symptoms disappeared. Getting enough sleep and rest is important, but we now know that this is not the most efficient way to recover. Studies have shown that after a few days, it’s completely safe to resume aerobic exercise. Moderate amounts of aerobic exercises will stimulate blood flow to the brain, increasing the amount of available oxygen for the cells, which works to promote healing. 

3- Recommendations for At-home Treatments

Patients should participate in the following activities ahead of their scheduled therapy, to maintain their overall health and wellness when in the comfort of their home:

  • Relaxation: Devote chunks of your day to complete relaxation. Meditate, listen to music, or enjoy the scenery in your neighborhood.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Try to consume a diet that is loaded with whole, nutrient-dense foods.
  • Stay active: Gradually increase your physical activity, but be diligent as patients with PCS are prone to exercise intolerance. It may be painful to go through a workout at times, but it’s such a vital part of your recovery journey. 

Post Concussive Syndrome Treatment with Healing Therapeutics

At Healing Therapeutics, we will work to  provide the best post concussive syndrome treatment so that you can go back to living your best life. PCS does not need to control your life if you don’t permit it! To learn more about the specifics of our treatment plans, contact us today! We provide service in Port Chester, NY and the surrounding areas

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