Lymphedema Therapy 101

Our lymphedema massage in Port Chester, NY, or Lymphatic drainage therapy (LDT)–o, helps patients deal with the physical and emotional issues that arise from living with lymphedema, the swelling of an arm or leg due to impaired lymphatic flow. Because this type of swelling can come about gradually, individuals who suffer from it can often feel helpless about how to deal with it on their own, leading many to seek out the help of an experienced LDT therapist who can guide them through the entire process of treatment and recovery.

What is Lymphedema?

Lymphedema is the accumulation of fluid in the tissue. This can be caused by a blockage or by a rupture within the lymphatic system. 

There are two types of lymphedema: primary and secondary. Primary lymphedema is when you are born with it, while secondary lymphedema can happen from surgery, injury, cancer treatment, or infection. Lymphedema can happen on one or both sides of your body and can affect many parts like your legs, arms, and torso. If left untreated it can lead to serious health problems like cellulitis (infection) and skin ulcers. That’s why early detection and treatment are important! If you have any symptoms like pain, swelling, or heaviness in your arm or leg for more than three weeks then make an appointment with your doctor. They will do a physical exam to check for redness and hardness around the area and will order blood tests as well.

What Are the Causes of Lymphedema?

Based on our patients that we see, many people of varying ages are in need of a lymphedema massage in Port Chester. The causes of lymphedema are as varied as the people who suffer from it. In some cases, it is caused by an injury or surgery. In others, it is hereditary. Some people develop lymphedema after a viral infection like mumps or chickenpox. 

Others may suffer from cancer that has spread and created swelling in the lymph nodes. The most common cause of lymphedema, however, is the result of damage to the lymphatic system from radiation therapy treatment for breast cancer. 

For example, if you underwent a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy treatment, you would have received enough radiation to injure the cells in your lymphatic system. 

As these cells slowly recover and produce new cells, they are not quite as efficient at removing fluid and toxins as before. When this happens, your body produces more fluid than normal which can lead to chronic swelling in your arms or legs.

Lymphedema Treatment: How Does it Work?

Lymphedema treatment is typically a combination of techniques that work together to control swelling and prevent complications. This may include treatments such as manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and compression therapy. 

MLD is performed by a therapist or trained family member by applying pressure on the skin overlying a swollen lymph node area, usually with the palm of one hand while gently moving the fingers in small circular movements. 

Compression therapy is usually done with an elastic bandage worn continuously during the day, which helps reduce swelling caused by excess fluid collecting in your arm or leg due to lymphedema.

These two main lymphedema treatment options are used in conjunction with other treatments, such as dietary changes and physical activity modifications, which can also be helpful for people living with lymphedema. 

The sooner you catch the signs and symptoms of lymphedema, the easier it will be to manage it successfully so you can enjoy everyday activities again. 

What Are the Benefits of Our Lymphedema Massage in Port Chester, NY?

One of the main benefits of lymphedema therapy is that it can restore or maintain healthy movement, which will help you live a more active life. 

Another key benefit is that it can reduce swelling and prevent the onset of lymphedema. Furthermore, therapy sessions can help reduce pain and provide comfort and relief from stiffness, soreness, aches, and fatigue. 

There are many different types of therapy options out there for people with lymphedema. Your therapist will work with you to find a treatment plan that best fits your needs. For example, some common treatments include manual lymphatic drainage (MLD), compression bandaging or garments, phototherapy (light), exercise therapy (e.g., yoga), and massage therapy. 

MLD involves gentle stroking, kneading, and/or other movements over an area of lymphedema in order to release pressure and break down any hardened areas within the tissue; this restores proper circulation in order to move fluids through the tissues. 

Compression bands may be used during an MLD session, but they’re also worn continuously by patients who need constant pressure on their swollen limbs to minimize fluid buildup.

Healing Therapeutics: Get a Lymphedema Massage in Port Chester, NY

If you have lymphedema and are interested in receiving therapy for your condition, feel confident in your choice by understanding the benefits of lymphedema therapy. 

The American Cancer Society estimates that anywhere from 1.5 million to 2 million people have lymphedema with many of these cases being misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all. 

Lymphedema therapy offered at Healing Therapeutics in Port Chester is an excellent way to enjoy a better quality of life while preventing the progression of this condition. 

We specialize in lymphedema therapy including pre and post-surgical lymphatic drainage massage to ensure that you get the best care possible. 

Contact us today to book an appointment!


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