How Long Should Physical Therapy Last?

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to answer this question, there are many important elements to consider when receiving PT at home services in Port Chester and White Plains NY. Physical therapy is provided by qualified health professionals like the ones that represent us at Healing Therapeutics. Its benefits know no bounds, but for good reason. Let’s answer the question that many of you are wondering–How long should physical therapy last?

The Frequency and Duration of Treatment

One of the common questions among patients is how long the physical therapy will last. All in all, there is no clear answer for addressing the duration of at-home PT services in Port Chester and White Plains NY. One of the deciding factors here is based on the number of visits you rack up in a week. Your physical therapist is aware of your obligations, but they are also aware of what it takes to meet your goals. 

Physical therapy will not be recommended more often than necessary, but they might factor in how often you can and will complete your home exercise program. Your PT is aware that diligence and self-preservation are fleeting things, especially when talking about finding the energy to be motivated to continue on with PT services. Typically speaking, your physical therapist might want to see you between 1-3 times a week. Some other varying factors that determine your duration of treatment can include:

  • How recently has the condition emerged? If the injury was very recent, you might be required to go through continual rehab sessions until you are given the green light to ween off. The process of reducing chronic pain is much more intricate than people realize.
  • Where are you in your course of treatment? How will the program shift over time?
  • Being cognizant of healing time. Soft tissues on average, take between 6-8 weeks to heal, meaning that a typical program will last about that length of time. 

How Often Will I Need To Attend Sessions?

At-home PT services in Port Chester and White Plains NY are subject to the diagnosis and extent of the patient’s injury or disorder. Your first consultation with one of our licensed physical therapists will feature a discussion of your case, with the professional explaining the options that are available to you. Once this has been established, they will then determine a frequency that is in line with your physician’s orders. Consistency is the name of the game, and consistently attending your sessions is what’s going to help you in making a full recovery. 

What Should I Do After My Session Of PT?

Despite how often you are receiving treatment, it will take some time to manage the pain and get you back to your original state. The process is affiliated with some soreness after physiotherapy sessions. Here are some steps you can take to alleviate any unwanted discomfort. 

  • Ice the area
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Do your exercises
  • Follow the advice of professionals
  • Take notes

PT At Home In Port Chester And White Plains NY

There is no denying that PT at home with Healing Therapeutics offers numerous patients. If you or a loved one find yourself needing treatment, contact us today to learn more about our services. We are more than happy to get you back on track.

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